Sunday, February 18, 2007


Hello, blog. Five days. It's been a while.

1) My last day at the truck stop was on Friday. Not only that, it also happened to be a close-early-day due to remodeling. Hells yes. The only drawback was that the floor to the back room was being retiled, so I couldn't get back there to have the satisfaction of punching out for the last time. Oh, and when I was dusting products I accidentally knocked over a bottle of Aqua Velva, which went sploosh onto my pants, which left me smelling like minty old man for the rest of the night. No offense intended to Aqua Velva users. I just can't stand the smell and the flammable nature.

2) We once again have Reese's Pieces at Cold Stone (although it's probably temporary). I was reminded of Katie's Reese's pronunciation guide-slash-rant when several people ordered "Reesies" this weekend, but I seriously twitched when a girl ordered "Reesies Piecies." WTF! Mispronouncing "Reese's;" I can understand that to an extent, since it's a name of a person. But "Pieces"? That's clearly an actual word!
I was able to spread some friendly education, though (I hope). As much as I wanted to start screaming a sermon at people, instead observe the following examples of excellent customer service:
--"Um... I'll get Reesies Piecies and a brownie." "Ree-SAYS Pee-SAYS and a brownie, coming right up!"
--"Um... I'll get Reesies..." "Ree-SAYS peanut butter cups or Ree-SAYS Pieces?" "Ree-SAYS peanut butter cups."

3) Earlier this week, my computer decided to restart itself twice within a 24-hour period, and the buzzing noise continues to irritate me. Assuming what I want is in stock, I'll be buying a new one tomorrow after class. And then once I get everything transferred, I can finally take it out back and pull an Office Space on it. It's a fitting sentence for a machine that doesn't like to run more than two programs at once.

4) Boy on a Stick and White Ninja had wonderful Valentine's Day comics.

5) I really need to start on my hall council projects and wiki homework.

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