Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Everything in this post is related, I promise.

Apparently some guy dreamed about a phone number, texted it, and now he's married to the girl behind said phone number. That's adorable. I like how things like that can still happen even though so many people are like, afraid to leave their house. Not to mention that as kids we're all taught not to talk to strangers. I realize the importance of learning the difference between good stranger and bad stranger, but if we just didn't talk to strangers, how would we ever meet people? :)

Case in point: I wouldn't have met the bf if I couldn't talk to strangers.

He's pretty stressed right now, and understandably so. Getting assignments in on time + finishing portfolio + finishing final project + finding an internship while simultaneously trying to tell them that the portfolio they want to see isn't done yet. I hope everything works out and he feels better soon. We tend to reflect each others' moods, so I'm currently feeling pretty stressed about finishing up as well.

I got my resume finished and uploaded to the school's server yesterday. I have yet to really start searching for jobs, though, because I got distracted and began searching for apartments/roommates. (I should probably find a job first so I know how much money I have to play with, y'know?) I found a few sites that are kind of along the lines of eHarmony et. al., except for finding roommates. And they all appear to suck. They fall into one of three categories:
1) Free and crappy (i.e. not updated)
2) Free, but unless you pay your listing will fall to the bottom of the stack
3) Free, but all you can do with that is set up a profile and send messages; if you want to read messages sent to you, you have to pay $6 for a three-day trial or $20 for a month
Yeah. The website mentioned in the 3rd option did seem pretty decent, though. So since it's free to start, I might go with that one, and put a note in my profile to email me at my hotmail address (written in name[at]site[dot]com format, of course) and use a specific subject line. If I end up not liking the service, hey, it was free, and any spam I do get will stay out of my gmail account. Or maybe I'll just make an "I need a roommate!" group on facebook.

Also, I stopped at Deb last night in search of black pants that actually fit me (read: are meant to fit at the hips, not the waist). I didn't check the plus size side, but on the "regular" size side, those bastards didn't have anything above a size 7. I'm a size 11. Yeah. 11 isn't even borderline plus size (I think 15 or 17 is), so it'd be awesome if a store carried a variety of pants in every size, plskthx. However, I did find a black suit coat for $20, so I was sure to nab that. Hooray for finding job interview clothes.

*skims back on last few entries*

Oh, yes. On Thursday I finally went to a free help session in the accounting department and got my taxes done. I was hoping it'd be an actual help session where they teach me how to do the paperwork, but instead, they use e-file and basically do all the work for you. That's nice, I suppose, but knowing how to do my own taxes would be a nice skill to have. But, either way, it's done now. I'll be getting like $500 eventually. Most of which will be going towards new clothes. I should start watching What Not To Wear for ideas.

But, before I graduate, I should probably go do my homework.


Ivory said...

i really need to find a summer job.

frilly said...

I smallest size I've seen at Lane Bryant is a 12. 14 is generally where they start. The media isn't telling you that you have to be a size 0 enough already? For shame!

WNtW airs on Friday nights and marathons on the weekends (as far as I've noticed). Which I'm sure you looked up already, so... yeah. *skips off*