Sunday, April 29, 2007

On independence, part 1

Over at my project proposal, I said I would write some posts about various types of personal progress this semester. That sentence was probably too wordy, and the previous post probably falls into that category. (By the way, I've received nothing but compliments on it so far. Not "oh look, you have star tattoos too, that's cool I guess" or "hey, that's neat... what's it mean?" compliments, but "dude, that is the SHIT!" compliments. It's pretty nifty, so thanks to everyone so far.)

This year's been tons different compared to my past four years in college. Here's a list to get things started:
  • First steady relationship
  • First semester(s) with less than 15 credits
  • First time not relying on parents for tuition/med costs
  • First offcampus job in collegetown
  • First time carrying more than one job at once

I think having a steady boyfriend has been alternately one of the best and worst things to happen to me. Before, I would get all my homework/other tasks done on time because I'd be sitting in my room all the time, so I'd do everything out of sheer boredom half the time. Now, I have no idea how I once kept up with a full class load. I'm only taking two classes right now (not counting choir) and I feel swamped sometimes. Let's use this class as an example (novel idea). I'll mention this stuff more in a forthcoming entry, but I could've done a better job. I could've strived to write more often, searching around the internet for interesting links or paying more attention to the little things going on around me. I could've looked at more blogs (outside of class blogs, although I don't want to exclude them). And so on.

But I spent a lot of time hanging out with him, even if this "hanging out" meant that I stared at his TV while he did homework. Through this relationship, I realized that I'm actually a very needy person, emotionally. I need to have someone who's always there for me. I don't think I felt that - on nowhere near the same level, anyway - with any of my friends in the past, and that might be why my emotions have gone wonky this year. I finally feel comfortable letting everything out in front of someone. Maybe this "new me" is the true me?

"Bad" stuff aside, this relationship is truly the best thing that's happened to me. Like I said, I feel comfortable. It's been said that love hurts (by practically everyone since 1960, apparently), and it does at times, but it's a hurt I don't want to lose. We'll have been together a year this coming Friday, and I wouldn't have traded this year for anything.

More later, but for now, I have to go buy tissues before I snot all over my room. Ew. In the meantime, check this picture out, cause it's like the funniest thing ever.

1 comment:

Ivory said...

"I like it when they call me Big Papa"