Thursday, April 5, 2007

Open Letter

Dear blog,

I am sorry I have been neglecting you as of late. I realize this is a personal blog, but there are things going on in my life that I feel are too personal to discuss in a public setting like this. There is something I'd like to celebrate, but it's only a rumored event thus far, so I'll wait until something actually happens before I talk about it.

So, for now, I guess I will do little updates.

I ended up discarding my teacher's advice and changing the topic of my last paper. I decided to profile my parents and how I was treated growing up. It was kind of therapeutic to get it all out.

We're singing Beauty School Dropout in choir. We started discussing how to cheese the piece up, i.e. pink hair, curlers, etc. I joked that I could knit a pink wig (I'm serious, here's the link). I think I'm being expected to make it now.

I still need to do my taxes. And my laundry. And finish my resume. And figure out what I'm cooking on Sunday. And find motivation to do it all. Blah.

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