Saturday, May 5, 2007

Free day, literally

I was supposed to work 12-4 today. I got sent home before I could even clock in.

While I was wandering around at Target after that, I realized that this is another motivation for me to get a real job (read: get the hell out of the food service industry). Being sick at work sucks inandof itself, because you're feeling miserable and you're spreading germs to lots of people. It's easier to spread germs in food service. Even if I'm not contagious anymore, I'm still coughing. And that looks bad. Not to mention that I'm losing out on a lot of hours because of it. Tomorrow I might make a sign that says "I lost my voice" and pin it to my apron, because pushing my voice seems to make me cough more. I need to save my voice anyway, since it sounds like shit and I have to present this blog project thingy to the class in two days. Yikes.

But the good news is, even if it doesn't feel like it in the middle of a coughing fit, I am getting better. My cough sounds different every day, and I'm not doing it as frequently. I'm getting there.

Apparently Steve Page is on Facebook now. This is a personal profile, as opposed to a band profile on Myspace. Do I add him? He's advertising it, but it still feels a bit odd to me. *shrug*

Since I have the afternoon off now, I suppose I should like, do homework or do laundry or clean my room. Or maybe nap.

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